
Saturday, October 24, 2015


This hand picked Nut-in-yahoo .gov has already done too much damage to save Israel from getting in-2 the civil war (Jews and Gentiles) as it lifts Muslim age limit rule for worship at the Jerusalem shrine.

Now the reader should be able to get this picture at this time of how the  "DESOLATION" of Jerusalem IS REAlL 
In the news — Muslim prayers at a major Jerusalem shrine, the epicenter of weeks of unrest, ended Friday after Israel lifted restrictions on worshippers in what is known to Jews as the Temple Mount and as Haram al-Sharif to Muslim
In the latest upsurge of violence, at least eight Israelis have been killed and dozens wounded in knife or gun attacks by Palestinians, following rumours that Israel was planning to change the rules. 
Which they did duh.. that is why I say "damage is done" ...

As about 50 Palestinians, have been killed in recent weeks.

The current round of violence erupted in mid-September, with clashes at the Jerusalem shrine, revered by Muslims and Jews, quickly spreading to the rest of the city, as well as the West Bank and Gaza Strip.
Over the past few weeks, Israel had barred younger Muslim men — seen by police as the main potential trouble-makers — from entering the compound on Fridays, the main day of prayer in the Muslim religious week. The bans, which were put into place intermittently, had at times targeted men up to the age of 50.
Muslims view age restrictions as part of the perceived Israeli attempt to step up its control.
Meanwhile, barriers and checkpoints that Israel set up last week on the outskirts of Arab neighborhoods of the city remain in place.
Israel's Cabinet had approved the movement restrictions to try to stem a wave of recent stabbings. Many of the attackers come from traditionally Arab east Jerusalem, seized by Israel in the 1967 war and annexed in a move not recognized internationally.
The barriers had caused traffic jams and severely disrupted the daily lives of many of the city's more than 300,000 Palestinian residents, prompting complaints of collective punishment. 
According to U.N. figures released Friday, Israel set up 38 obstacles, including 17 manned checkpoints, 20 road barriers and one earth mound in nine neighborhoods. The count was conducted Wednesday, the U.N. said.

This cycle is already set in motion in which "NUT-in-yahoo" (.gov) core is bad, as it has promoted that Jews to arm themselves ... I would advise anyone who does not want to be caught in a war flee before the end of this month, as it well be to late if you get caught in the crossfire that is prophecies  

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